Donor Spotlight: Bill Thornton & Ardell Filip

In 2015 Bill Thornton and Ardell Filip established a CBF fund. Their fund was the beginning of their estate-planning process. Over the years, they have distributed scholarships through the Bill Thornton and Ardell Filip Scholarship and allowed this fund to be the pathway for their charitable giving. Hats off to Bill and Ardell for entrusting CBF with their hard-earned money. Together, we are making a difference.

“My husband and I established a fund at CBF in 2015. Since that time, we have supported Ephrata and the surrounding area with a simple, stress-free, and systematic process allowing us to distribute our annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to charitable organizations of our choosing. In addition, CBF offered us estate planning advice and encouragement during our journey. The knowledgeable staff went so far as to provide a step-by-step checklist simplifying a somewhat confusing process. They are a local organization that believes in building relationships and works alongside their donors. Thank you, Columbia Basin Foundation for making the process seamless.” Ardell Filip